All posts in Linux24 posts found.Search all content 2025Finding Non-Apple ServicesFeb 21 Moving Away from Apple... AgainFeb 7 So What Do I Move To?Jan 29 How to Get Away From Big Tech - AgainJan 10 Longing for Linux (Again)Jan 62024The Road Back to Open TechMay 27 Moving Past Apple?May 24 Updating to Ubuntu 24.04Apr 26 How my tech should beApr 32023Back on Pop!_OS and I’m Loving Linux AgainJul 10 No more fighting my techMay 31 Back to UbuntuMay 24 My Obsession With Tools Isn’t HealthyJan 9 Thoughts on moving from Ubuntu to FedoraJan 42022Time To Reduce My Reliance On Big TechDec 19 Advanced Data Protection is a Great FeatureDec 14 Hello Again Linux, I Missed YouDec 5 Always Searching for the Perfect TechApr 62021Will I Go Back to LinuxAug 18 Finding What Application Is Running on a Given PortAug 13 Linux or Windows or Mac, Oh My!Jul 302020My Adventures in Leaving Big Tech – A Status UpdateDec 30 Homebrew Is the Missing Package Manager for LinuxJun 14 Why I Can’t Recommend Linux to OthersApr 26