Chris Wiegman


In about an hour it should start snowing, the biggest snow of the season so far, according to the news.

There was a time when I said I would never again put up with such weather, or at least a commute in such weather. Today I sit in my office anyway, writing this post and wondering how the commute home will be.

In most ways I don’t regret coming back into an office. In 9 years in Florida we knew almost no one and it was one of the reasons I wanted to leave. I am not making that mistake again so here I sit, in an office.

When I was hired the idea is that we would be hybrid by now but that never happened and I no longer see it happening. On days like today it would be nice.

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring but for the first time since Austin I know people in the city I live in and that’s a win… even if this snowstorm makes getting back home that much harder.