Chris Wiegman

It’s a Start

I spent the weekend sick at home. The downside, beyond the obvious, is it left me without much energy to focus on anything. I did a bit of reading and just tried to recover.

As much as being sick sucks, however, it did give me a chance to do a little bit of code on my own site (if you can call it code as I couldn’t focus enough for anything but dependency updates) and helped push me to a few things I’ve been meaning to do for the last few weeks.

The first was a reset. I’ve done this before but this time felt different. I cleaned out my social media, reset my music and podcast libraries and generally brought my tech as far back to a reboot as possible.

I used to do this habitually. I’m past that. That said, this time I combined it with a fresh start on my journey to move past Apple’s ecosystem.

Last night I finished signing up for a Fastmail and started spinning up my life fresh on my .org domain. I’ll use that on my Linux machine and slowly work that up to the point where I can move things away from Apple to it.

It might not seem like much, but it’s a start and I’m happy for that.