Chris Wiegman

Completely Removing Twitter

Yesterday I followed two links to tweets on Twitter to accounts I thought I respected. Within a click of both I was faced with ignorance, bigotry and grandstanding… and this is in the “professional” circles on the platform.

After work I took action by adding Twitter to my DNS providers “block” list.

This morning I found out Twitter looks like it has taken it even further for me by requiring login to view anything. While my account still technically exists to save the username, it is following no one, all content was deleted and the password and 2FA code were removed from my password manager. As a result I hadn’t logged in since November though still saw more links than I would care to. No more of that.

If there is a positive, other than reduced exposure to all kinds of toxic behavior, it will be blissful ignorance as I’ll no longer see people who claim to support trans rights and general diversity add the “blue check” to prove they don’t really care about those things at all. I’ve lost respect for so many people I had thought were better than that. Sure, they’re still problematic but at least I will no longer have to be disappointed by more people I used to respect on a daily basis.