Chris Wiegman

Life is Hard

I’m writing this late, it’s already Monday morning, but keeping some sort of routine for me is important and I just don’t want to end my posting streak on here.

I’m in Chicago, unexpectedly. My otherwise healthy-seeming mother, the youngest of each of my wife and mine’s parents, simply didn’t wake up on Friday morning. It turns out a combination of factors going back 14 years (they think it might have started with the regrowth of what was then a benign cyst) lead to what the doctor believes is a very aggressive set of tumors throughout her body including her brain. This lead to a massive, 7cm, aneurysm that basically destroyed the left side of her brain. Her life support was removed Friday afternoon, just after I arrived, and it’s been a waiting game ever since.

I’ll write more when I can. My mother and I were very close. For now, we still wait for what they think could be a few more days. I’m worried about her, even though there is nothing that can be done, and I’m worried about both my brother and my dad. Mom and Dad hit 50 years of marriage one month ago today and this will not be easy for him.

Hug those you love. Life is all-too-short.