Chris Wiegman Chris Wiegman

The Perfect Mastodon Client for Me

I’ve been on Mastodon with one account or another for 5 years. Today I finally found a client for it that works for me.

I like to think my requirements aren’t too complicated. I don’t want any notifications except for mentions and I don’t want the damn “load more” buttons so many other clients use in their timeline views. That’s really it. In 5 years and many clients I finally have that in Ivory, Tapbots new Mastodon client.

It probably shouldn’t be a surprise to me that Tapbots will stick for a while. I had used their Tweetbot client on Twitter for years and had often cited it as the only thing keeping me on Twitter (though even it wasn’t enough when Musk took over). They’ve built quality Apple software for some time now and Ivory is no exception.

One of my issues with Mastodon in general was lack of a client that met both of my requirements. I had mostly settled on Toot! for iOS but didn’t use it much preferring to just stick to the mobile site which made keeping up with my timeline much easier. It feels so good to have the client I want that maybe it’s a sign I just need to stick with Apple gear for a while and stop worrying about it.