Chris Wiegman

Announcing Kana 0.0.3

It’s been a full week since I released Kana, my new tool for easily creating WordPress development environments. During that week it’s racked up 24 stars and 3 forks on GitHub, which I don’t think is too shabby for such a project.

While I continue to use it for my own work, the simple fact is that I just can’t anticipate how others will use it and the bugs they’ll encounter as a result. To date a kind soul has filed two of these bugs as issues in the repository.

Today I’m happy to announce the 0.0.3 release of Kana which addresses one of the two outstanding issues and adds the ability to install Kana much more easily via Homebrew (see the new installation instructions for details).

I’ve also enrolled in the Apple developer program to be able to properly sign releases and hope to have that finished before too long. It turns out that signing Apple apps via GitHub really isn’t a simple endeavor so that is taking me much longer than hoped. Once I finish it, though, you won’t have to exempt the app in your Mac’s security settings to use it.

Anyway, I’m excited about this new release. It will make it easier to migrate from similar applications and makes it much easier to install and update Kana. As an added bonus, it even gave me some material for a blog post or two this week.

Of course, Kana is still only just getting started. There’s a lot more on the way!

Download Kana 0.0.3 today and let me know what you think!