It’s no secret that I’ve struggled to find inspiration and, frankly, anything positive lately. On the one hand the past two years have been rather fulfilling in that I’ve learned to be comfortable in my own home. On the other I’ve learned that where we chose to make our home really doesn’t feel like home at all.
I can’t just “choose to be happy” as so many have insisted I must do. I’ve tried that and realized that advice is just a load of shit.
What I can do is choose to, instead, find ways to more productively occupy my time until we can find a community that could really be home.
By being more productive I don’t mean I need to work more. I do enjoy my job but an 80 hour week would be productive for no one. I think, for now, it means spending more time on my projects, books, etc and less time on places like Twitter and other social media.
There are things I greatly enjoy including a good book, writing code and so many others. One day I’ll find a community where I’m happy to do them all while enjoying where I live. Until then it’s just out with the bad and in with more of the good. I think that could make my next birthday a much happier experience.