Chris Wiegman Chris Wiegman

Stop Autoplay Videos in Google Chrome

Stop Autoplay Videos in Google Chrome

In upcoming versions of Google Chrome, Google promises to make it easier to disable autoplay on videos. For now, however, it’s not quite as easy to get to but still available if you know where to look.

To stop the autoplay nonsense in Chrome yourself here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy in your browser
  2. Under Autoplay policy select Document user activation is required.
  3. Click RELAUNCH NOW at the bottom of your browser screen.

That’s it, you should now get far less annoying videos playing automatically as you browse the web.

I should add that I did this in the latest build of Chrome 63 on my computer. If you don’t see the option yourself make sure your copy of Chrome is up to date.